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Thursday, July 9, 2009

One of those days

Today was one of those really, really cool days.

After last night's show at Room 5, we decided to take it easy and sleep in. And I mean SLEEEEEEP INNNN. We were on our second round of getting up for water/bathroom break and then going back to bed when our producer friend Phil X gave us a call and said "Come swim in my pool!"

OK!!! :D

For the first time in my sun-phobic life, I actually went in the sun without sunscreen on most of my body. I still rocked 50spf on my face and lower arms (which have been getting lots of sun and, as a result, sun has been sneaking through my regular daily application of 15spf) but I let the rest of me feel the hot hot heat sans screen. I LOVE the sun. I am not one of those people who "works on my tan" even though I LOVE sitting in the sun. The hotter, the better. That's actually one of my favourite things about California...the heat. But, I'm actually very afraid of the sun (even though I love it), and worry constantly about my chances of getting cancer (there is a lot of it in the family). Anyway, it felt great and I was only out in hotness for about 10 minutes (I know, that's long enough).

While we were hanging out in the pool/sun, Phil's wife and her crew started rehearsing. It's the coolest thing you've ever seen...that total Cirque De Soleil hanging dangly biz, spinnin around and whatnot from great heights. Very cool to look over and see while you're swimmin around!!!

Then we headed home so I could get ready for band practice with Kay Hanley from Letters to Cleo. When I was much younger, Letters to Cleo were on a few movie compilations I happened to own and thus, became a fan. Kay and her husband Michael are also responsible for most of the music in the Josie and the Pussycats movie. I learned my little vocal harmonies and casio keyboard part, threw on some make up and it was off to rehearse!

A psychic once told me I would work with people I only dreamed of working with but I consistently work with people I NEVER dreamed of working with (as in, I couldn't even imagine some of this shit). Anyway, it was super cool to sit in on a band practice and sing with Kay Hanley, the voice of Letters to Cleo and Josie and the Pussycats for a tune :)

Now, we're off to the Viper Room!

Why can't all days be like this.

Random Me Fact of the Day: Although some may not perceive me as particularly girly, I constantly wrestle between having nails or, playing guitar ;)

1 View / Post Comments:

The Beeze (aka: Tim McNeeley) said...

That is an awesome day!

I love Letters to Cleo!