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Saturday, June 6, 2009

Happy Tears

I'm not gonna lie, I'm pretty overwhelmed today.

Not in a bad way. No, not at all.

I put up this thing... a thing that says "if you put a link to my new site on your blog, forums, facebook, myspace, website, etc I will mail you either a hand written thank you letter or a signed promo photo."

I honestly expected about 2 people to sing up for this endeavor. But now, I'm really overwhelmed.

Everything from car blogs to toy blogs, you guys are out there spreading the word. It makes a little happy tear go to the corner of my eye and try to bust out, but I say "No! You Will Not Escape The Confines of My Eye! Stay In The Eye, Happy Tear!"

I know awhile back I said I was going to try and blog every day. Some days though, I feel like I have nothing decent to say. Sure I could think of something, but why drag (the two) people reading this in to how my brain works some days.

Most of the time, I'm as happy as I could possibly be. The fact of the matter is, though, I'm still just trying to get by and this music thing is just struggle after struggle. I mean, I got some good things going, some new plans in the works, and my future is looking like it just might turn out ok. But right now we're in the trenches people. Contracts, meetings and trying to spread the word about my music takes up my day so that I rarely have time to do my fav. thing which is create.

In case you wanted to know my day-to-day these days, it mainly consists of planning and executing ways to inform new potential fans that I exist. I know this sounds ridiculous, but this is really the only way I live. And, I am the only person I have helping me. Sure, I have a producer, my family and the love of my life are extremely supportive, but when it comes down to "marketing", it's just me and this MacBook that I am now writing on. Whereas some people who have been playing music, touring, recording and creating for as long as I have likely have some type of management, booking agent, record label, publicist or internet marketing help, I have: Me.

Don't get me wrong, I am certainly not complaining. This is the path I chose, and most of the time, I prefer it this way. I guess I'm kind of a "lone wolf". "Doesn't play well with others" heh heh. The bottom lines is that my life, my music and the portrayal thereof is extremely important to me and I can't stand people screwing that up and/or trying to capitalize on it. I'm just a kid who really liked making music, and most of the time I have my head on straight enough to realize that everything else is just a bonus. But in the trenches, it's hard to know when the fighting will end.

That is, until I get an email, a comment, a facebook message...any little sign of life from someone out there that I either know or don't know, telling me that they're out there, they exist, and they're listening. Most of the time I live a pretty solitary existence. You stare at a computer, a console or a highway and see the same couple of people most every day. I don't mind this because I try to surround myself with the best caliber of people imaginable, making it very easy to tolerate them for extended periods of time ;)

But it does get lonely. Every time you guys reach out to me, or show your support, or I get an email saying "You Have A New Order", you don't know how happy it makes me. I actually smile every single time. And it doesn't have anything to do with money. It doesn't have anything to do with "success" (which is a perspective driven definition, in my opinion) or "fame" (which I don't believe in anyway). It's just the feeling that there is someone else out there, like me, and we're in this together. Lost.

Billy the Kid

Random Fact 13: My first car was a 1965 Valiant that my foster dad gave me. It was the car that got be to band practice and shows for years. It was also the car that got my foster dad to his band practices and shows for years.

5 View / Post Comments:

Fronkensteen said...

I know the struggles of the music biz. I've been at this for a long time and I always just squeak by. Music always draws you back in time and time again. Am I broke? Yes. Do I love playing? Yes. I wouldn't have it any other way. Keep on shaking it up Billy!! Cheers.


The Beeze (aka: Tim McNeeley) said...

I'm sure more then two people read your blog...I've been a big fan since you found me on facebook...I read everything you post...Although I don't comment...That is something I need to work on...I don't comment enough...Sometimes feel like I have nothing to add...

The music business is tough...I called it quits in '99...At least on making it "big" or at least a little "big" I'm okay with just playing for fun now...But you have what it takes...You have that "IT" that is often talked about but rarely seen...Thanks for sharing it with us!

Tim...AKA The Beeze

praisethefallen said...

We are out here listening...just keep your head will be out of that trench in no time...


Broken Day Machine said...

It sure is hard to do this music thing when you don't have a huge staff working for you and sending out your music and whatnot! I know what you are saying, I run my band and promote and book gigs and set up interviews or whatever I can to get the word out! The great thing about the internet is that one way or another someone is going to come across you! I came across your site while I was looking at bands and artists that Raine had produced! I really dig your music and just downloaded your EP the other day! Anyway hang in there and keep doing what you do after all music is the key to life and the best way to really show someones soul!

Scott L.
Broken Day Machine

Zimmy said...

this is a really cool blog. it is really hard to just create sometimes. it is fun but it can take a lot out of you. so to add on that, all the other things necessary to get your music out there - that must be quite a struggle. it is interesting to hear, though. your songs are very touching & they have really provided me with some powerful emotions & peace of mind.
-- keep up the good work!